Thursday 10 March 2011

Dear Science Fiction

Thank you so very much.

Thank you for Bladerunner, Aliens, Tron, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Forbidden Planet and so many more.

Thank you for X-Files, Fringe, Firefly, 'V' both versions, The Walking Dead and Captain Scarlet IN-DE-STRUCTABLE!

Thank you for Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, all those whacky Star >insert word< shows.

Thank you for starfurys, x-wings, AT-ATs, vipers, firefly class ships, battle stars, space stations, spinners, lets face it, every single awesome, funky, futuristic craft there is...Oh! Oh! Borg Cubes!

And thank you, thank you for letting me escape when I really need to. Keep doing what you're doing bromigo.

Much love - Jewbee.

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